Blender File - Elegant Tiara - 001
1 .blend file
2 Objects
12,405 Verticies
25,882 Edges
13,601 Faces
24,381 Triangles
All textures packed.
1- Upon the purchase of this video you will receive one (1) .blend file as described above.
2- Upon the purchase of this file you will receive the rights to edit, manipulate, and otherwise change it in any way you wish. You get the right to use it in commercial productions and projects.
3- Upon the purchase of this video the buyer agrees that they will not redistribute, sell, or imply sole creation of said video file. Doing so will result in legal action.
4- I (AzimuthsDigitalArt/ Desiree Goulden) retain the right to continue to distribute said video file and use in my own projects without limitation.
5- No refunds will be given for any reason.
6- By purchasing this file, you agree to the above-mentioned terms and conditions.
A single .blend file